Diggers With Gratitude: DWG-025 / -7010 ft. Baritone Tiplove

More "Amazing Stories" presented by Baritone Tiplove and Diggers With Gratitude on volume two.

The EP is limited to 225 copies on orange colored vinyl, 20 copies on yellow vinyl and 50 traditional black copies.

It comes in a bundle together with a 7" release of two more tracks and a press sheet.

A: 3rd Story
A: I'm Feelin' Good
A: Rap On

B: Laughin' In Ya Face
B: When Eye Droppit
B: Newstyles Oldstlyes Anystyles
B: U Don't Want Nunna This

A: Get Me Back On Time
B: Baritone Tiplove For President

Order: www.boogiedownbarnes.bigcartel.com

My special thanks goes to Baritone Tiplove aka PMC and Diggers With Gratitude. All copyrights reserved, posted for promotion use only.